CCC In the News
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The links below connect to the City Colleges of Chicago’s District Office and seven Colleges’ major social media channels.
District Office:
Facebook: @citycollegeschicago
Instagram: @citycollegeschicago
Twitter: @ChiCityColleges
LinkedIn: @citycollegeschicago
YouTube: @citycollegeschicago
Harold Washington College:
Facebook: @HaroldWashingtonCollegeCCC
Instagram: @haroldwashingtoncollege
Twitter: @HW_College
LinkedIn: @harold-washington-college
Harry S Truman College:
Facebook: @TrumanCollege
Twitter: @TrumanCollege
LinkedIn: @harry-s-truman-college
Malcolm X College:
Facebook: @MalcolmXCollege
Instagram: @mxcollege
Twitter: @MX_College
LinkedIn: @malcolm-x-college
Olive-Harvey College:
Facebook: @oliveharveycollege
Instagram: @cccoliveharveycollege
Twitter: @OliveHarvey_CCC
LinkedIn: @olive-harvey-college
Richard J. Daley College:
Facebook: @DaleyCollege
Instagram: @richardjdaleycollege
Twitter: @DaleyCollege
LinkedIn: @richard-j-daley-college
Wilbur Wright College:
Facebook: @wilburwrightcollege
Instagram: @wright_college
Twitter: @Wright_College
LinkedIn: @wilbur-wright-college
Kennedy-King College:
Facebook: @KennedyKingCollege
Instagram: @kennedyking6301
Twitter: @KK_College
LinkedIn: @kennedy-king-college