"Our goal is to fortify our college as a health hub for our community and swimming is a healthy activity that you can do often because it’s low-impact and has many physical health benefits. Kennedy-King College is committed to offering opportunities for all to engage in healthy and fit lifestyles,” said Dr. Katonja Webb Walker, president of Kennedy-King College.

The Continuing Education class in swimming is free and open to the public with advance registration

CHICAGO – (July 19, 2024)Kennedy-King College is pleased to announce that Chicagoans can dive into the fun with its Open Swim Continuing Education class. Participants can swim laps, water walk, and exercise.

“Our goal is to fortify our college as a health hub for our community and swimming is a healthy activity that you can do often because it’s low-impact and has many physical health benefits. Kennedy-King College is committed to offering opportunities for all to engage in healthy and fit lifestyles,” said Dr. Katonja Webb Walker, president of Kennedy-King College.

Participants must be at least 18 years old and the class is free and open to the public with advance registration. Swimmers at every skill level, from beginner to advanced are welcome to access the pool. All participants will be given a swim skills assessment before they can start the class. To register, click here and fill out the Continuing Education application.

The pool is located in the W building located on Kennedy-King College’s campus, 6343 S Halsted Street in Chicago.  The swim class is open on the following days and times.

  • Monday and Tuesday classes are held from 11am to 4pm
  • Wednesday and Thursday classes are held from 1pm to 6pm
  • Pool is closed on Fridays

For more information about the swim class offering, email Kennedy-King College’s Continuing Education department at kkcontinuinged@ccc.edu or call 773-602-5441.

