In 2020, Praise Daniels embarked on a transformative journey when he moved to the United States from Nigeria. It marked the beginning of his college journey. Praise enrolled at Daley College in 2021, and his academic path led him to Wright College, where he recently earned his associate degree in engineering. 

Praise was very involved at Wright College. He leveraged numerous networking opportunities and received valuable mentorship from faculty during his time there. He was actively involved in the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), serving as the Duties Director of the NSBE Chapter. This summer, Praise will be participating in an internship through the Chicago Quantum Exchange as an Open Quantum Initiative Undergraduate Fellow. 

Praise’s academic journey was also supported by various scholarships and resources provided by the City Colleges of Chicago and City Colleges of Chicago Foundation. Through the support of the Wellness Center and All Chicago application at Wright, Praise obtained a laptop that became essential for his studies in computer science. The laptop’s speed and efficiency allowed him to manage his time better and excel in his coursework.  

Additionally, Praise was recently awarded the Spring 2024 TCP-CTA Transfer Scholarship winner, which is administered by the City Colleges of Chicago Foundation and made possible by sponsors Transit Capital Partners and Chicago Transit Authority.  

“This scholarship will really help me with tuition and rent as I transfer… I am extremely grateful for this opportunity,” he said.   

Praise’s achievements at Wright College have paved the way for his next step transferring to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Grainger College of Engineering, where he plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree in computer science with a focus on AI engineering and quantum machinery. 
