Putting business classes to use everyday

LaRon Conway’s career is taking off now that he has completed his Associate of Arts in Business at Daley College.

When he graduated from Harlan Community High School in 2011, this South Sider headed to a four-year university in Iowa. He said he did “okay, not great” in his classes. And financially, it was tough. He came back to Chicago and took classes on and off at Daley College for the next few years while he worked multiple jobs in retail and restaurants.

When he attended Daley in 2018-19, he had to drop his classes, causing him to accrue tuition debt. So when he read about the Fresh Start debt forgiveness program on the City of Chicago’s website, he knew it was his chance to get back to school and complete his associate degree—which he did in the Spring of 2021.

With a recent move to Tempe, Arizona for a job opportunity with American Airlines, LaRon says that he is putting his business classes to use each day working on accounts in the Central Baggage Department. He plans to complete his bachelor’s degree in Arizona and continue to study and work in the business world.

Learn more about City Colleges’ Fresh Start debt forgiveness initiative.
